Monday, October 15, 2012

The Butterfly Effect

WGBW, sorry for the delays. I promise no more days off on the blog. I know October's half way over and I promise not to disappoint anymore ;)

1) I should cover some jurisdictional issues up front. I know this isn't a horror movie per se, but it spooked me out quite a bit so I think it's worthy of inclusion here.

2) It's a really solid movie. Maybe it personally resonates with me or something, but it's always crazy to me how the butterfly effect operates in the real world. It's like, what if I never saw the original Halloween and never got a thing for horror movies? What if I trusted my instincts and never let the long-haired Bricker first hang out with me? What if I stayed in and never met that one* girl at the bar?  It's really wild stuff when you step back and think about how some chance encounter can affect your life lol.

3) Besides that this movie mixes the right bit of creepiness with optimism. I mean, the whole creepy dad/ Amy Smart falling off the cliff / kids leg getting blown off stuff is all pretty intense. But AK always gives you some hope that he could just go back and fix things.

4) I guess the movie ending is kind of bad. It reminded me of The Breakup when they just pass each other in the street and never know what could've been. Bunz always said no regrets, so it's hard for me to get on board with this idea that people should travel back in time to avoid making mistakes that they could fix in hindsight. Just gives you some deep stuff to think about.


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