Monday, October 29, 2012

Pet Sematary 2

1) Actually a really solid sequel. I obvi had much love for the original which was in and of itself pretty remarkable given that a lot of Stephen King's novels don't always transition to movies well. It's even harder for me to believe a fake sequel to it is solid.

2) It was a fairly predictable storyline once it started going but it was good. It veered away from the original enough to not be boring but still managed to stay kinda true.

3) I am confused how anyone ever dies after being bitten by the animals in the cemetery.  Like that one guy just pops back to life after getting bit. It seems like they might be more like vampires in that after you get bit you just get to hang around for eternity being vampires. I mean, the only way to defeat this guy was to explode him with an electric cord? We saw how well that worked in Child's Play 2 lol.

4) Anyone catch that sick poster of Friday the 13th Part 8 up in his room? It's actually substantially better than my original review of it would have you believe. Props to the kid in the movie for recognizing this.


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