Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sleepaway Camp 2

1) It was actually light years ahead of the original Sleepaway Camp. This one took the same path as the old one where they just try and focus on how crazy all the deaths could be. Only this time she didn't manage to TKO people in as many goofy ways. Obvi the toilet bowl kill was goofy and so was the guitar string but at least it's an improvement from that awful first one. 

2) The horror movies with the comedic side to them are always hit or miss. This one was okay even though this is obvi not intended to be scary. I think it's just trying to shock everyone with how crazy the kills are.

3) There was some tight connections to other horror movies going on. Obvi the references to the Friday the 13th and the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. There's also a guy named JUDD in it which is tight.

4) Overall the whole lack of getting spooked still puts a ceiling on dis one. It's just hard to imagine some 100 pound 18 year old being able to just wreck havoc on an entire camp. Who knows though.


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