Saturday, October 20, 2012

Near Dark

1) Really kind of an odd vampire movie. I'm not sure they ever mention the word vampires and except for the sun, they don't really show any anti-vampire techniques being rampantly used.

2) Vampire movies always give me the willies. I have a thing about the back of my ankles, my wrists, and my neck that freak me out when people touch me there. When she just bites him at the beginning of the movie I almost jumped out of my bed lol. And then the rest of the movie he just sucks on her wrist. Super creepy.

3) It's really tight when that driver goes missing. The guy is confused why the driver went to Kansas while he shoulda been in Waco, Texas. For anyone that's ever been to Waco, there's no mystery why you'd rather be in Kansas. I guess if you wanna get shit on by birds and cage an animal on your campus I understand. Kind of tight that the final showdown takes place in Kansas too.

4) Maybe it's just the Oklahoma/Texas crowd, but why on earth don't more people just GTFO when they see the vampires? It's like they're chilling at a bar and then vampires start biting people and everyone just stays chilling. I've only been at tha bar a few times when a fight broke out and generally it scared the hell out of me. I dunno why they're sticking around for the whole thing.

5) Pretty tight there's a little RomCom to it too with that dude and chick.

Good stuff,


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