Monday, January 27, 2014


1) After tha recent review in Carrie, it reminded me I never revisited a bunch of that Hannibal movies.

2) It's a lot slower than a lot of tha other movies. This one just has the one European guy trying to take down Hannibal on his own for like an hour and forty five minutes. I mean, I understand the guy's rationale that Hannibal is getting a little older and may have lost some of his touch. But who would really try to take down someone on the FBI's 10 most wanted list when you're no MacGyver yourself.

3) FWIW all tha twists in tha movie were pretty crazy. Like at tha end of it, when *spoiler alert* Hannibal chops off his own hand instead of messing up Starling. He must really have a thing for her to chop off his own hand even though she is constantly trying to arrest him lol.

4) It's also Ray Liotta's best horror movie since tha hit movie Identity.

5) Tha initial shooting that goes wrong is in Waco, Texas. On that note it is kind of stupid that half the movie takes place in Europe, but also kind of tight that it comes home to rural America.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Carrie (2013)

Sorry for the delays bw. That jitsu Nov/Dec/January combo is almost over lol.

1) I reviewed tha original movie  back in tha day. It's still got that same overwhelming gross scene at tha beginning lol. Kind of hard to really recover from that.

2) Besides that it was really pretty solid. The girl from Kick-Ass was actually a lot better than I anticipated she would be. I guess I just figured she'd look like she was 5 and wouldn't be able to pull off tha creepy Carrie bit but she was solid. That really good looking chick from tha 70s wasn't magically re-casted it which was expected but also unfortuante lol.

3) The special effects were also pretty sub-par for a movie that was remade. Like that part where the mean chick's head flies through the car or whenever glass was shattering generally. I dunno if that was supposed to indicate that Carrie was controlling it or if it was just poor special effects lol.

4) On a side note, I don't really get tha importance that people attach to prom in these movies. Having been a prom king myself, I can tell you it's actually not that cool lol.

Besides all of my complaining, it was actually really good
