Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Amityville Horror (2005)

1) A really tight movie. Top notch stuff. The little girl that was haunted was scary as nuts, the scene where the regular little girl is on the roof of the house made my hands sweat, and most of the other shit was scary.

2) When I turned this movie on I started SMH at first. Ryan Reynolds in a horror movie just sounds like a stupid idea. He's only mediocre in RomComs but in horror movies I thought he'd be awful. He was actually okay though. Him going crazy was kind of stupid and so was him walking around half naked the whole time. But overall he didn't TKO the movie which was a plus.

3) I could go without the house doing all the stupid stuff but whatever. The little girl/creepy story behind it made up for it.

4) Two other minor things
a) Why was that girl going through the old school newspaper reel? She probably doesn't have lexis or anything but even a google search would be more efficient.

b) The babysitter wasn't the best looking horror movie chick of all time but she was still pretty top notch.

Good shit Miroki,



  1. The Amity ville Horror was playing in one of the premium channels. I thought it was classic and was the remake. Truly a sad movie. The first criticism is right on target. The film does not follow the book as intended. It is the worst horror film base class B.

  2. lol totally confused by the comment but thanks for the feedback :)
