Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cheaters' Club

1) It wasn't super spooky lol. The plot line is that there is some therapist who is telling all of her clients to engage in extramarital affairs to save their marriages. But then all of them start getting lopped off. Not the best, but I do have a thing for lifetime movies.

2) I didn't think it was rocket science that one of the girls in the group had been in on it. Maybe it's just because these Lifetime movies are generally pretty predictable lol.

3) And really why were they so resistant to the detectives? I mean, I get that you'd have to tell them you're cheating, but it's not like they are gonna make a poster to show your neighbors. SMH at obstructing justice lol.

4) That second girl that got TKO'd was off of House at the End of the Street.

It was pretty boring lol,


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