Monday, January 16, 2012


1) SMH. I was really looking forward to watching (what I thought was) this movie. This popped up on the netflix instant thing and it turned out its actually this knock off movie. The original one is about a guy who goes to Europe and keeps seeing the number 11. This one is just titled 11/11/11 instead of 11-11-11. smh.

2) This movie is actually like a junior varsity version of The Omen. I mean it's almost identical except for the 6/6/6 thing. They have a crazy evil nurse/housekeeper who tries to get the kid to realize his devil potential, the kid doesn't speak the whole time, and the mom accidentally gets pregnant even though she didn't mean to. I mean I guess the one difference is that he actually follows through and kills the son at the end.

3) The only problem is there are just these goofy plot additions. I mean, what was up with the scene where the 5 professors are sitting around in the smoke filled car talking about their evil plan? And why does this crazy cat lady keep bringing the kid the lemonade? And how do those bees just come up in that police car and attack that guy?

4) I can't stand all the people cutting themselves either. People just touching my wrists in general give me the willies but that stuff is just way over the top.


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