Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Devil

1) I'm a big fan of movies that stay around the hour and a half range but I'm always skeptical of those that are only an hour and 13 minutes long. My skepticism turned out to be justified lol.

2) I'm no religion expert (although going to Church is tight), but I don't understand the deal the devil made with the guy at the end of the movie. It's like because he confessed to the cops the devil won't take him anymore? Why is the devil concerned with him making peace with the world? Why would he care at all? I don't get it.

3) In addition to my fear of heights, I'm not wild about elevators. I mean, there's only a chance the thing locks up/plummets and it's all because people were too lazy to take the stairs. I guess being trapped with the devil is reason number 2 just to take the stairs.

4) It was hard to take that one guy from Supertroopers too seriously at the beginning of the movie. I think they really wanted the audience to think he was the devil, but the whole time I just kept imagining him trying to lick the elevator saying "The Snozberries really taste like Snozberries."



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