Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some Thoughts On the Record

Earlier I was explaining to Alan about how I have a much better movie taste than he does. Alan and I talk about this weekly so I thought I'd just go on the record about some of my thoughts about certain movies that obviously need to be made public.

The following statements will never change:

1) Empire Records is the worst movie of all time. I'd put a link to a review that I've done to it here, but I haven't reviewed it because it's that bad. It's worse than Adaptation, Annie Hall, and Lord of the Rings all put together. It's so bad I can't even begin to describe it. I mean, the people just sit in this stupid records store all night. It's so boring it's unbelievable.

2) Sorority Row is still obvi a top 5 movie of all time. It's one of the few movies that I can fall asleep to on repeat because it never gets old.

3) 8 Mile is the sickest movie of all time obvi.

4) For all my love of RomCom movies, I really don't like feel good/disney/animated/christmas movies. It would take a Christmas miracle for this to change. No matter how many of these I sit through they still blow.

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