Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday the 13th (1980)

1) One of the first few movies that really nailed the point of view killer thing. Halloween did it a little bit but almost every kill in this movie is this way. It sets up a good ending because no one could guess who the killer was till the end.

2) Once you figure out that it's Jason's mom it's still spooky for a bit. The whole 'kill her mommy kill her' line is pretty famous and creepy.

3) That being said the last part of the movie where the one chick keeps fighting Jason's mom is pretty jitsu. It looked like a bad episode of cops where the police roll up and 2 old women are trying to burn each other with cigarettes. Makes you wonder how the mom really would've been able to sneak around to kill all those people.

A classic for sure but the ending kind of tanks it.


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