Sunday, October 17, 2010

Children of the Corn

1) It's got one of the best opening set ups in the history of movies. First this had to have set the stage for a wreck of other scary movies that have someone get lost in the middle of nowhere and show up to a gas station with some crazy attendant. Props for setting the stage for greatness.

2) The music is pretty sick. It's hard to describe here but if you watch the movie you know what i'm talking about.

3) The corn fields are a tight setting too. Maybe it's my western kansas roots but the whole small town Nebraska with the corn fields is spooky.

4) The only jitsu part is the end of the movie. I dunno who this guy 'who walks behind the rows' is. By the end of the movie it's like that creature from beetlejuice who runs under the ground is that dude. (btw beetlejuice is creepy).

The first 90% of the movie is really good but the end kinda tko's it.


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