Monday, September 19, 2011


1) I saw this one awhile back, it was kind of mediocre. It seems like the whole movie kind of lacks a real point. It's like, should he take more of the drug, should he not? Won't he just be normal if he doesn't? What if he takes more? Will it really matter, will anyone really care?

2) Seems like a big hyped up drug for some kind of ADD medication on steroids. You take it and just get a whole bunch of stuff done.

3) I don't really get the point of the ending. He just decides to take it to be smarter then everyone else and then run for president? Why didn't the people who originally made the drug just take all of it so they could be president? It doesn't really make that much sense.

4) There wasn't anything horribly wrong with the movie, but there wasn't anything to write home about either.

This movie could've used to take smart smart pills lol,


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