1) Overall was super solid. I got ADD the first time I saw it but god damn was it good the second time.
2) It's hard to take the little chick seriously since she turns into the jitsu wife in Married...with Children: The Complete Tenth Season
3) There was some jitsu. What's up with the 30 year old making moves at the high school prom? Where was the school security there? And the vampire slayer guy was really jitsu. That one dude yelled boo at him and he took cover. I wouldn't recommend calling him for any future vampire slayings.
4) The special effects were ho hum. Theres a scene when the police leave the vampire house without finding anything wrong and then there are waves of fog just fucking pouring out of every opening of the house. Either bad special effects or those police are due for some serious jitsu for not figuring out that something fucked up was going on in the creepy fog machine house on the corner.
Best vampire movie by far
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