Friday, December 17, 2010

Jason X

A lot more jitsu then I remembered.

1) I never realized that this freeze thing was happens in the year 2010. Some of the 2400s parts of the movie seems kinda jitsu. I never understood why movie writers make some movie that takes place sometime in the future because inevitably they either overestimate what we can do in the future or underestimate it and we look like n00bs.

2) What was up with the people trying to study Jason? They had some immortal killer who had escaped the authorities dozens of times and killed everyone who tried to apprehend him. What were those people thinking when they wanted to keep him for more research? These people are smart enough to save the entire human race and move us to another planet but they can't figure out not to mess with this guy? For some advanced 2400 year thinking they certainly dropped the ball on this one.

3) Some of the kills were pretty original. When he freezes that girls face then smashes it it's pretty crazy. And the ending is tight when they end up back at Camp Crystal Lake.

Had it's moments but not very good.

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