Friday, December 24, 2010


1) This movie did a good job of confirming my ADD, I was restless as hell for the last hour of the movie.

2) I don't get it. During most of the movie it was like I was trying to figure out one of those logic problems that were on the LSAT. There's the 3 dreams they have and then there's never never land. That seemed simple enough but the last hour of the movie seemed stupidly redundant. The dude is trying to get them to kick awake, the van is falling, and the shootout is happening out in Iceland. This scene must have lasted for like 40 minutes and it was the same thing over and over again. If I had it in me I'd flip it back to see the first time the kid from 10 things I hate about you tried to tip them to the time he got in the elevator. It had to have been like 45 minutes.

3) But then again maybe that was the point of the movie. Maybe they wanted you to think you were in a dream the whole time and that you wish you could get out of this ridiculously long scene at the end. Who knows. I know most of America wished to stay in that inception dream but I was one of those people that couldn't wait to get the hell out.

4) I didn't get the ending at all. So the guy got old because he had to go into oblivion and then they woke up. Seems like a pretty mediocre revelation. And the ending was pretty jitsu; I mean who really cares if the thing was spinning or not. Was it a dream, wasn't it a dream? I don't care.

5) The first part of the movie was really good when you don't really know whats going on and this crazy shit keeps happening. But then when you realize what's going on they shoulda made a fucking move out of there.

6) I don't know if I can reiterate how bad the ending was. Remember the end of the 3rd lord of the rings? You get so happy that the movie is almost over and you can't stop thinking about what you're gonna do now that the fucking thing is over. But then it takes another hour, and all that happens is them running around all happy that they found the ring while you just want to cry. It's like that only they just keep fucking around in this dream.

Maybe it's just because I feel like scrooge but this one was a turd



  1. i know the feeling lol. i couldn't wait for that movie to be over...a sentiment i never feel when watching B&B

  2. top critics agree!
