Saturday, January 19, 2013


This movie was OTC

1) It was light years ahead of the Paranormal movies in terms of scary shit popping out at you. Even when you knew something was about to happen it would still scare the bejesus out of you. It's also a movie I would think about putting into 3D just given how many times MAMA jumps out at tha screen.

2) It was also pretty spooky given how creepy the youngest girl kept acting. I've blogged before about why little kids creep the hell out of me. Maybe it's my fear of fatherhood lol.

3) All that being said I really wish they wouldn't have tried to explain a back story about why Mama was after them. It has a bunch of loopholes. Like why at the beginning of the movie did the dad try to kill the little girls? And why did he murder his wife? What did that have to do with Mama? And the ending was kind of jitsu when Mama just settled on jumping off tha cliff with the scary little girl. And why was the little girl eating all those bugs the whole time?

4) Random aside: I think I would've enjoyed the movie more sans all of the millions of rowdy juveniles that clog up PG-13 movies on a Friday night. It was like watching The Roommate on steroids.

 Solid stuff. I'll be adding this to the blu-ray collection. MAMA!


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