Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lover's Lane

1) Pretty ho-hum. I'm all in the favor of the holiday-genre horror movies and what not, but these straight to dvd movies that no one has ever heard of are turds.

2) I don't really get it. It's like these guys come up and try to make it rain on these high school kids trying to make love in the car. I'm all for PG-13 stuff and all, but there's got to be better fish to fry. And what's up with his Captain Hook hand?

3) The characters can't seem to put 2 and 2 together either. You think they'd realize that maybe they don't need to go to the makeout spot to gii if you're gonna get TKO'd. I mean, I get that its probably hard to find a place to get down in high school, but don't do it at some spot that kids keep getting killed at.

4) To be honest, I quit paying attention before the end of the movie so I don't really remember what happened, but I won't put myself through that again to figure it out lol.

It was still a horror movie,


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