Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Apparition

1) Talk about a letdown. I was pumped for this movie after the sick trailer for it and all the hype on all the horror movie blogs I read. It turned out to being almost as bad as One Missed Call (which I accidentally got on blu-ray lol).

2) It seemed like it tried to latch on to all the Paranormal Activity movies too much. There's like all this creepy shit that keeps happening but none of it is actually scary. Like the soap in the shower turns black and there's a bunch of mold underneath the floor and stuff. Yawn.

3) And how about that dude not telling his new lady friend that his old lady friend was TKO'd by whatever that spirit thing was? How mad would you be if you found out about that skeleton in the closet lol?

4) Maybe the worst part (besides sitting through this) is that it's really turned me off from wanting to see any of the new horror movies that are due out in the fall. This had so much promise but was just too disappointing :(


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