Monday, August 13, 2012


1) Pretty solid overall. I was kind of skeptical after Mick recommended that I review it, but it actually turned out pretty good.

2) Not too many movies have embarked upon the reanimation theme and this one was tight. In an odd way it kind of reminded me of Pet Semetary because of that cat that comes back to life all crazy.

3) The original crazy guy does seem to just make poor choices during the movie. Why would you inject someone bigger and stronger than you with some goop that makes them come back to life to wallop on you? And when all these resurrections are going poorly his solution is to just inject faster lol.

4) Speaking of poor choices, why did the original med student let him come live with him? He's creepy, weirds out your lady friend, and only wants to pay in cash. Although I will say I'm not really one to talk. The other day I called direct TV to ask them about the length of their contract and 30 minutes later I had signed up for a 2 year premium package lol.

5) I forgot that that awful movie American Beauty mentions this when the two guys are smoking.


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