Monday, August 20, 2012

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead

1) This is a pretty solid movie. I used to watch it on the reg until that time that the Shock brought all those crazy people to the cone and it got stolen :(

2) A lot of the movie obvi doesn't make any sense. If the babysitter died they should've just called the police. And why on earth didn't the clothing place do a background check on her? Fake resumes usually don't work for a reason.

3) That Bryan guy kind of reminded me of Daniel in The Karate Kid. He gets all riled up towards his lady friend for no reason and then ends up doing something embarrassing right at the wrong moment.

4) At the end of the day I don't really know why I like this movie. Obvi there's a little RomCom in it, but besides that I don't have a good explanation for it. 

4) Although it did have quite a few stars in it. Obvi Christina Applegate was big for being in Friends. Danielle Harris was in a bunch of the Halloween movies too.


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