Monday, July 30, 2012

The Changeling

1) Reminds me of a mix between Poltergeist and Paranormal Activity. Unfortunately the movie just seemed to move to slowly. In the Poltergeist or PNA at least there was some development. Here, the guy just kind of goofs around while barely anything creepy happens.

2) The guy should've probly done some prior inspections of the house. If I was gonna move across the country (not ever happening) I'd at least look around at the neighborhood or see if anyone had ever died in the house. After he moves in that one group even tells him he shouldn't live there!

3) That being said the guy never even seems really creeped out. You never see him scream or run out of the house too terrified to come back. I guess I always wonder in the Paranormal movies like this why the people don't just jump ship. If the Cone became haunted I'd be out of here in a heartbeat lol.

4) At the end of the day it's hard for me to get on board for the ghost stories where the ghost isn't actually evil. I mean, that poor kid obvi needed some redemption, but I don't know if a horror movie is the way to go. Instead of doing all that spooky stuff, why doesn't the kid just make a bunch of evidence of his death available to the guy to take to the police? Would solve his dilemma while avoid scaring the guy.


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