Sunday, July 29, 2012

House on Haunted Hill (1959)

1) It was really original in that it kind of set the foundation for movies where people try to stay in a haunted house for some purpose. Halloween Resurrection is a pretty recent copy (plus the whole Michael Myers thing).

2) Also original was the whole theme that if the house ended up engulfing you, you got to stick around and haunt everybody else that came in.

3) I did get confused because I thought the deal was once the door was closed to the place nobody could get out. But then that Annabelle chick is just hanging outside the window spooking people out?

4) One of my problems with these older movies is the kind of stuff that spooks people. Don't get me wrong, I get scared about super dumb stuff all the time. But the scene where that 1 pound door hanging skeleton pushes that girl into the pit of doom is kind of goofy. It's like, just push the skeleton out of the way or cut off the puppet hangers on the top of it lol.

At only an hour and 11 minutes, I'mma be tuning in,


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