Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Sitter

1) Eh, I thought it had a good setup. There was a bunch of inappropriate stuff in the first like 15 minutes, all the kids were pretty funny, and Jonah Hill was solid.

2) I guess it's just that these movies with super ridiculous plot lines get kinda out of control. I mean, I sort of understand that he'd have to take the kids to go meet his lady friend. But why would you stop to get drugs/get into fights/ generally screw around. I've never babysitted (obvi) but it can't be that hard to keep track of 3 kids for a few hours.

3) The end was kind of stupid too. Don't get it twisted, I love romcomesque endings but his line at the end of tha movie that they should just go walk because its such a great night out is pretty jitsu.

4) Did anyone notice his quasi-ladyfriend at the beginning was Meadow's friend on the Sopranos? The Sopranos rules.

For an hour and 21 minutes, it was okay


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