Wednesday, June 13, 2012



1) Obvi it's in black and white which is a downer. I guess I knew this getting into the movie but it still doesn't help.

2) A lot of things don't make sense about this movie. Now I'm no history major (obvi) but I thought this movie was about all the French people getting away. Why are they speaking English? And why aren't they more scared of the Nazis? There's this one scene where everyone's drinking in the bar and there's a shoot out with a bunch of Nazi's running around. Then everyone just chills a few minutes later. It's like, "hey there were just gun shots and the people taking over Europe are here, why don't we GTF out of here?"

3) I guess the ending was sort of stupid too. I mean, who throws in the towel on their long lost love to let her go run around with some other dude when she's all about you? It really reminded me of Season 3 of Friends when Chandler throws in the towel on Janice. FWIW I guess it was better in the end.

4) Also, why on earth did Alan just have this sitting in his backpack? You know how you always plan in case of a fire? And there's like a list of your prized possessions you'd be sure to grab? Well Alan has Casablanca in his must have list smh.

Off to a poor start,


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