Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods

1) I've started doing this thing where I try to sit around for a day after a movie to collect my thoughts about it so I don't jump to any conclusions lol. After a few days, I've figured out the movie is pretty solid. I actually feel (sort of) qualified to review this since I actually have seen 1400 horror movies and get (most of) the references made in the movie.

2) I was really impressed with all the shout-outs to other horror movies. The whole cabin/scary trees had to have been a reference to The Evil Dead, the 3 spooky looking people with masks was The Strangers, the set up with the creepy guy on the side of the road has been in almost every Friday the 13th movie, and finally (and most obviously) that pinhead look alike from Hellraiser. I think if I rewatched it I'd probably see a wreck of more people popping out.

3) I think the part that made me think it was goofy the most was just the whole 'there are evil gods who need a specific sacrifice or we're going to destroy the earth'. It also just seems implausible that these experiments were being deployed all throughout the world and not one of them was successful. You think these dudes would concentrate a lot more at work if the fate of the earth depended on it.

4) That being said it was pretty tight. Super scary creatures in it, mixed in humor really well and generally was a good critical look at horror movies while accentuating what was good in them.

I'll be tuning in,


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Funny Games

1) I saw this movie back in tha day with @Angelo when I was in the horrible state of Kentucky. I sort of like revisiting movies several after the fact to see if I've matured at all lol (see Vacancy).

2) It was better than I remembered, but still just sadistic as shit. I mean, they really just shot that little kid, how messed up is that? I'm not too gung ho about all the movies that have these screwed up endings.

3) I didn't really get all the stupid shenanigans in the movie. Like where he keeps talking to the camera, or rewinds the fucking movie after that guy gets TKO'd. I dunno, maybe it's some movie stuff I don't understand lol. Someone should explain what the purpose of them calling each other different names was, that didn't make much sense either.

4) I never put 2 and 2 together to figure out that the smart psycho guy is one of the main character off of Boardwalk Empire. I need to think outside the box more lol.

All that being said it was pretty original (minus the fact that it was an exact remake of the foreign version lol),


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Apollo 18

1) I realized I've gotten away from the horror movies lately bw and I apologize. I apologize again if you've seen this movie because it is really awful.

2) I'm a big fan of aliens and shit (well not really Scifi movies but actual Alien stories). But man is this movie bad. The aliens aren't scary looking, they're like these little stupid spider things. It befuddles me why the astronauts don't just crush the little shits. I mean, if you are a big enough hoss to go to space you think you could at least TKO these little creatures.

3) It was like a horrible version of The Blair Witch Project that just takes place in space. I mean, nobody could really think this was "found footage" that somehow got leaked of the astronauts getting TKO'd on the moon.I mean, if they can keep Roswell under wraps they can obvi keep this on lock.

4) I guess it's sort of original- I mean, astronauts get attacked in space. That's one small step for originality, one giant waste of time.



Wgbw, sorry for tha delays- last week was super busy lol.

1) I still don't think this is a really famous movie. Obvi everyone has a better taste in my movies than me, but I think I'm generally more cognizant of movie stuff than most people. But then again maybe not. I think maybe I'd heard the Shirly line but who knows.

2) It was super tight that the host from Unsolved Mysteries was in the movie. He was also in the hit film Beavis and Butthead Do America as that FBI agent. Unsolved Mysteries was such a tight show- especially when they covered all the old UFO stories.

3) Speaking of B&B- this movie was pretty good just because of all the inappropriate 12 year old jokes. It was like a crappier version of B&.

4) The best part of the movie was obvi the whole Kareem Abdul Jabbar scene. That shit still cracks me up just thinking about it.
