Saturday, April 7, 2012


Wgbw, sorry for tha delays- last week was super busy lol.

1) I still don't think this is a really famous movie. Obvi everyone has a better taste in my movies than me, but I think I'm generally more cognizant of movie stuff than most people. But then again maybe not. I think maybe I'd heard the Shirly line but who knows.

2) It was super tight that the host from Unsolved Mysteries was in the movie. He was also in the hit film Beavis and Butthead Do America as that FBI agent. Unsolved Mysteries was such a tight show- especially when they covered all the old UFO stories.

3) Speaking of B&B- this movie was pretty good just because of all the inappropriate 12 year old jokes. It was like a crappier version of B&.

4) The best part of the movie was obvi the whole Kareem Abdul Jabbar scene. That shit still cracks me up just thinking about it.


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