Saturday, April 7, 2012

Apollo 18

1) I realized I've gotten away from the horror movies lately bw and I apologize. I apologize again if you've seen this movie because it is really awful.

2) I'm a big fan of aliens and shit (well not really Scifi movies but actual Alien stories). But man is this movie bad. The aliens aren't scary looking, they're like these little stupid spider things. It befuddles me why the astronauts don't just crush the little shits. I mean, if you are a big enough hoss to go to space you think you could at least TKO these little creatures.

3) It was like a horrible version of The Blair Witch Project that just takes place in space. I mean, nobody could really think this was "found footage" that somehow got leaked of the astronauts getting TKO'd on the moon.I mean, if they can keep Roswell under wraps they can obvi keep this on lock.

4) I guess it's sort of original- I mean, astronauts get attacked in space. That's one small step for originality, one giant waste of time.


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