Sunday, August 17, 2014


1) Smh. Animated movies suck lol (except for Beavis and Butthead obvi). And Disney movies suck (except for tha Mighty Ducks obvi) so you can put two and two together and figure out how this ends.

2) As some of you long time blog fans will note, sometimes Uncle Buffalo gets roped into watching these jitsu movies with a new lady friend (see: Les MiserablesAirplaneToy Story 3). Unfortunately, this movie was just like all the other movies I got roped into watching: pretty horrible.

3) First of all winter blows. Nothing good has ever come from Winter. Even this goofy movie poster mentions Thanksgiving which sucks. And the story doesn't make any sense. Her sister can magically shoot ice out of her hand, gets carried away and turns the whole town to ice, and then they have to unfreeze it? I mean really, who came up with that stupid story line? Seems like Elsa is just a junior varsity version of Carrie. And what was up with the timing of the movie? It took me like 15 minutes to realize that we had fast forwarded in time to when the sisters were grown up.

4) The one tight part was the line where she was like "guys like crazy right?" LOL

Wish you could freeze this movie and drop it down a mine shaft lol,


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