Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Toy Story 3

Wgbw, coming at you on one of the worst days of the year :(, but it was a hell of an october. Hopefully it's even better next year!

1) I'm not terribly wild about any of these animated movies but this one was better then its counterparts.

2) It's been like 15 years since I watched the last toy story movies, and I used to dig them back in the day. Obvi I'm not wild about them now, but this was pretty much on par with all the old ones.

3) It seemed like it was a little over the top at the end where all the unbelievable stuff almost killed them all like 400 different times. I get that it's an animated kids movie and all but give me a break.

4) I guess the ending was kind of sad when he ends up moving off to college.

It was good, but I'm not sure I could sit through it very many more times,


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