Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Five-Year Engagement

1) After pondering this over I'm convinced this is probably one of my top 5 romcoms of all time. Obvi it's a little more comedy than romance, but it's still top notch stuff.

2) Despite all the rumors of Buffalo crying, this one actually made me close. The scene at the end where they get back together just makes everything end in such a tight way. I really thought that there was a chance they weren't going to get back together (which would have obvi ruined the movie) so when they got back together I was pretty moved lol.

3) The shit was super funny too. The video clip with Billy Joel had me rolling on the floor and the quasi reference to the Saw movies during the psychology experiment was good shit.

4) Even my complaints about the movie are fairly immaterial. It was pretty goofy that the guy who played the crazy roommate in Notting Hill was the professor who is the main countervailing love interest lol. And the part where Jason Segel goes all caveman is pretty goofy too.

Nonetheless, definitely something to write home about,
