Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Top 10 TV Shows: #1: Friends

Obvi no surprises here BW. Instead of talking about my love for tha show (which YAK if U R a tru blog fan, or can see by googleing Friends in the little bar at tha top right part of tha blog), I'm instead going to talk about why I'm more qualified to make that assessment that any of you posers and why I would clobber any of you at Friends trivia. 

First though, I'll get it out of tha way why it outweighs all. To put it in perspective, Breaking Bad's finale had 10.3 million viewersFriends had 52.5 million viewers #unmatched. Obvi, I'd get a lot of hoola for this comparison ("but Buff, AMC isn't a major network, Friends was too generic, more people were streaming it online" or other goofy claims), but without getting into the substance of why Friends is good, it is the only 21st century show that has hit 50 million views (which it did on multiple episodes). I'll cut the cord on Halloweenjitsu when some other show comes close. No one will come close to taking that challenge.  Everyone keep me posted LOL.

Now that I've taken care of that a further background is necessary: in like May of 2008, played M.A. in a game of Friends Scene It. I may or may not have been drinking and missed a single question and managed to give up the board to her. Ever since then, haters have been skeptical. More recently, another J.D. also claimed he could beat me.

This is all nonsensical.

Assuming arguendo, that the 2008 game wasn't a fluke and I was just actually out-Friended (lol) I've been putting in tha work for the last few years. Think about it, since the Summer of 2008 I've fallen asleep with tha TV on exclusively to tha show Friends. Even assuming that I only watch 2 episodes a night before I fall asleep*fn1, which is a fucking conservative estimate, and also assuming I haven't watched any eps the rest of the day (also generous), this means I've watched 4,015 episodes of Friends since I've started watching the show religiously.*fn2

For you friends rookies out there (pay attention M.A.), there are 236 episodes of Friends. Obvi, I probably haven't watched all episodes equally.*fn3 Nevertheless, this mean that since the last time I fell short in a game of competitive trivia, I have seen each episode an additional 17 times.*fn4 AND THAT'S ASSUMING I ONLY WATCH THA TWO EPS BEFORE I GO TO BREAD. 

Long story short, 
a) this is the greatest TV show of all time. 
b) I would pwn anyone at it.

*FN1: I know what you're thinking- but Buff what about tha 3 day benders you go on every fall and all those nights not spent in your own bread? Well, my ill informed friends, think about what hit TV show I would recover to all day on a Sunday (and maybe Monday if it was a bad one lol). 

*FN2: I've always slept with the TV on since I moved upstairs in the Pinecone (circa August 2006). However, at that time I am sure that I didn't own all of the seasons of Friends. To pinpoint when I started watching Friends religiously, I had to flashback to when I was seeing certain LFs and figure out if a) the TV was on with them and b) if it was Friends. To the best of my recollection, I slept with the TV on during my sowing my wild oats stage of 2006, and past the SS era of most of 2007 (even at this time I ruled at Friends and consistently took her to town on Friends Scene It). Early 2008 had some Friends, but I don't think I made a full commitment to falling asleep to the show until I had counter-resistance from AM in the fall of 2008 when she wanted to fall asleep to these hippie shows other than Friends so I made it a full time deal.Even with more recent candidates (KB, WU, GG, AH2013), they've all been on board with tha show.

*FN3: Season 10 makes me sad because the show is ending LOL.Tha last scene was tha only TV show that's ever made me tear up lol.

*FN4: Since last fall, I've mostly watched the blu-ray eps of Friends which are shorter and also the ones that are still replayed on TV, so I may be a little off my game. I've committed to the transition back to DVD since November 1st of this year.

1 comment:

  1. this assumes that you understand and remember it all lol
