Monday, December 16, 2013

Top 10 TV Shows #2: The Sopranos

BW, tha second best TV show of all time is tha hit HBO show THE SOPRANOS.

1) I know most of you think my movie/tv taste is awful (which I guess from an objective standpoint isn't totally off tha mark), but I think everyone recognizes that this show is top notch. As I've previously mentioned before, "The Sopranos rules."

2) Where to start. Obvi tha characters are good. Tony has his ups and downs (well obvi with tha MH problems lol) but is tight. I think my fave was always Pauly. He reminded me of my non-gangster self, in that he was kind of a savant about a lot of things, never really found a way to settle down, and had that sick haircut.

3) And tha plot development was tight. Although I've put to bed the haters, the mystery of if Tony died or didn't die was fitting for a show where Tony never found tranquility or consistency, whether in regards to his mental health issues, his relationship with his family, or his control over tha mob family.

4) My only beef with the show (besides tha legions of you n00bs that think he dies), were those episodes where he is in tha coma and keeps thinking he is Kevin Finnerty. They give me the willies for 2 many reasons to go into, but lets just say RIP to Kevin Finnerty.


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