Sunday, November 4, 2012


Wgbw, I'm sorry that the great month of October is over but I'll try to keep the blog going on a little more consistent of schedule. Anywho,

1) I actually saw this last Summer so some of my recollection of it might be skewed. I remember it being pretty funny but it's kinda goofy too. I mean, the movie's about a teddy bear that is actually alive. Outside of horror movies I'm not too gungho about make-believe movies.

2) That being said it was funny. They had a good mix of new inappropriate humor and fwiw the bear was pretty tight. The ending just kept dragging on and on with that stupid kidnapping scene. This movie will get you stir crazy by the end.

3) It's always hard for me to imagine Mark Wahlberg in these movies that aren't just based on him being a boxer or a psychotic stalker. I'm not sure this is really his cup of tea.

4) I might have a poor taste about this movie too because for some reason we were late to the movie and ended up having to sit in like the 3rd row of the theater. I'm only like 5'7" (optimistically) so throughout a lot of the movie I was pretty uncomfortable.


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