Monday, November 5, 2012

Notting Hill

1) It's really a solid RomCom. I'm not wild about British movies/tv shows generally but there's some good exceptions (Season 1 of Episodes and Love Actually), this one included.

2) It's also the first movie that made me realize that I've watched way too many girly movies in my life. We were playing trivial pursuit one night and this was the answer to one of the questions. It didn't really surprise me that I knew it, but it saddened me that everyone looked at me for the answer to the RomCom category lol.

3) As I've mentioned before, this movie is the proud home of the line "I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." One of the all time greats BW.

4) My only real problem with the movie is that I think all the music in it is kind of bad. Obvi it matches up with the movie well but I'm just generally not tuning in. (The obvi exception to that is the "When you say nothing at all song." That song is OTC.)


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