Monday, June 17, 2013

Warm Bodies

1) Eh, it's a lot better than some of tha other zombie movies. Obvi I have a thing for horror romcoms, but it was hard to get too wild about this one.

2) I guess it was one of tha first zombie movies to develop the subsets of zombies. I was only half paying attention when I was watching this so it made it pretty hard to keep up at first lol.

3) The whole thing is pretty out in left field. Even assuming zombies are real, it's still pretty unbelievable. I mean, they figure out that to transition the zombies into humans, they gotta start to get feelings for each other. Who would really be the first to jump off the cliff into that one? It's like, yeah I'll just start gii with this zombie and maybe he won't eat my friends flesh anymore.

4) It's pretty tight that there's a COLONEL in the movie who's trying to TKO people.


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