Sunday, October 19, 2014

Final Destination

Alright BW, time 2 get caught up.

1) This was one of those movies that was really good back in the day (circa 8th grade-early high school). And now, looking back, it's like that Backstreet Boys album you bought: present-you just SYDH.

2) It has a pretty good (or mediocre) plot idea. Fate holds a certain future for you, if you skip the chosen path, then it has to come back to get you. I guess it leaves me confused though. I mean, what real interest does fate have in getting these 5 run-of-the-mill high school kids? They all seem pretty ho-hum and un-noteworthy.

3) A lot of the deaths were pretty SMH. The scenes where that guy gets schwangled in the shower and the car locking that guy in aren't gonna win awards anytime soon.

4) It was tight that Stifler was in it. Except that they decapitated him smh.


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