Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club

1) Eh it was actually okay. Tha (not too over condensed) story line is that a homophobic guy gets HIV, gets ostracized by his friends, eventually turns to foreign medicine to get better, and then (spoiler alert) eventually dies at tha end.

2) That being said, it was long. Like 2 hours long. And we went and saw it late Friday night so I got real board (sp?) in tha middle of it. Like there's a point in tha movie when he realizes he may not hate gay people that much, hates tha FDA, and wants to keep selling drugs to all these people. At that point, I'm like, let's go ahead and speed tha rest of this along because I think we all know where it's going. But then they just spend like 30 minutes on repeat showing him talking shit on tha FDA and getting more overseas drugs.

3) Actually tha movie had one of those countdowns like in tha movie Seven.  They tell him he has thirty days to live then the scenes start out like "day 1", "day 28", etc. At tha end of the movie it's like "day 2853" (get it- to show how long he has gone despite the medical consensus that he wouldn't). The problem was at that point I felt like it was in real time and we had been sitting in tha theater that long lol.

4) Man, Matthew McConaughey had to lose a wreck of weight for tha movie and it looked like he just lost all muscle mass. I'll bet that was a total pain in the ass and will be super hard to rebuild lol.

Besides how long it was, it was pretty good.


1 comment:

  1. I'm disappointed you have moved away from horror movies. Some of us depend on you for those reviews. Q.
