Saturday, June 28, 2014

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell

Before I get started TW, I know what you're thinking: man this movie sucks Buff. Why on earth would you review it? Well, I don't really have a great answer. I was board (sp?) and thought the books were pretty good lol.

1) Some of tha reviews I read said this was one of the worst movies of the year, and after watching it I'd have to agree.

2) It had some pretty good stars for being such a turd of a movie. I've been really into the Good Wife lately. One of the hit stars off that shows plays Tucker Max. It might have been before he actually got famous/good lol. There were some pretty big guest appearances by the main dude in Swimfan. Tha other main guy was in tha Break Up and She's Out of My League so that was at least mildly entertaining.

3) The whole movie was so bad I don't even know how to pick out specific parts that were worse than tha others. There's a scene where he interrupts his best friends wedding to talk about how much he's grown up. Then he says he got the couple a surprise and makes tha whole wedding go outside only to discover that he has set up one of those dumb inflatable moonwalk things. And that's how the movie ends. What a dumb way to go. Now don't get me wrong, I heard tha Tinz got one for a party when he was an undergrad, and tha Tinz is tight. But for a wedding? I'd walk out and be like dude, you made my 89 year old grandma come all the way outside for this dumb carnival ride that you rented? smh.

4) You think if I only blogged once a month I'd pick out something good lol,