Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Super Troopers

1) This movie has been solid for well over a decade. It's one of those movies that never has to grow on you and is just solid from the get-go. There's really not a bad scene in the movie. Well, actually, that syrup chugging scene wasn't that wild, but it reminded me of how @milhouse used to chug whole bottles of syrup so it was okay lol.

2) Likewise, there's like 23423 good quotes out of this movie. I've previously mentioned one, but there's a dozen more. "I don't want a large Farva." "I'll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert." "WOULD YOU MOVE THAT GIGANTIC COTTON CANDY?!"

3) It even references Friday the 13th Part 3 when they get pulled over and eat the drugs at the beginning only to have the cops (at least initially) drive by. I'm sure this wasn't a coincidental reference lol.

4) These dudes should really gii on some more movies. That movie BEER FEST was also really tight. I dunno what happened to them.


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